Monday 20 October 2014

 Rapid Fat Loss Tips

At times simple items can be the most powerful solutions to complex problems. Apply the fourteen tips below and you will accelerate your fat loss efforts significantly in a matter of days. Well it started out as ten tips, but quickly grew; we have never colored within the lines before so we are not going to start now!
People are always after us for easy answers when it comes to fat loss. While there are no proven tactics to destroy your body fat overnight, there are certainly things you can do to help yourself right now. Below are our top ten tips and common mistakes people make when trying to lose body fat. Apply these ten and you will increase your chance of losing those unwanted pounds by 2 fold!
First a little background so you understand the value of the list below. We mention blood sugar and insulin several times as both are key components in the fat loss equation. Blood Sugar levels are affected by food choices, combinations and timing. Certain food items will spike blood sugar which causes insulin to rise. While insulin is not always bad; in the case of losing fat it must be kept under control as it is the most potent fat storing hormone the body produces.
Aim to keep blood sugar levels steady with the tips below and you will experience better energy, mood, fewer cravings and more satisfaction from meals. Keep insulin in check and you will be well on your way to significant fat loss.
1. Do Not Drink Fruit Juices.
A healthy glass of OJ each morning- no way! It is poison in my book. Fresh squeezed orange juice including the fiber from the pulp would be my preference. The glycemic index rating for oranges is moderate while orange juice is sky high partially due to added sugars put in juices. Remember the glycemic index determines blood sugar and insulin levels. This is the first thing I pull out of any diet especially if there are juvenile behavior problems. Use real fruits for your nutrient needs and remember to include avocados and grapefruit which both fit well in most fat loss plans.
2. Eliminate the Consumption of Refined Foods
Most acknowledge that refined foods such as bread, pasta, packaged baked goods, cereal etc support the storage of body fat. Do not be fooled by whole wheat bread, pitas, tortillas and other products that also contained enriched flour. In many cases these items are the same as their white counter parts with some added colouring.
 3. Amino Load before and after exercise
Amino Loading is a term we use to describe the combination of 100 % MR and Muscle Synthesis which efficiently deliver crucial amino acids in a rapid fashion. Consumed before training this unique combo forces the body to use more stored fat as fuel during exercise while also helping the trainee to shift to a more anabolic (fat burning) hormonal environment. During and after training amino acids provide an alternative energy source to support improved training performance (especially important during a low carb diet) and lay the building blocks needed for new muscle growth. Following training your first priority should be accelerating recovery and Amino Loading provides the critical ratios of amino acids needed to be quickly assimilated into hungry muscles. A protein shake post workout alone does not do the job, during training you pump blood into the muscles to act as a nutrient super highway to carry in raw materials. Drinking a shake following training will draw blood away from the muscles and into the stomach to support digestion which deteriorates much of the raw material value and slows down the delivery of nutrients.
Timing is critical and there is no time to spare post workout. 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis rapidly deliver the raw materials needed as they bypass digestion and get right into the blood stream to take advantage of the hormonal and metabolic conditions created by training. 
4. Do not use bars of any kind as meal replacements when trying to maximise fat loss.
Bars have come a long way when it comes to taste, but they are nothing more than high protein candy bars. They are a great tool for gaining weight or every once in a while when you are in a pinch. Otherwise do not use them, be aware that this “net impact carbs” and other labeling tricks are a scam. Companies have replaced sugar with other sweeteners which do not count as carbs on the label. As a result you end up with a bar “low in carbs” but sky high in sweeteners that will cause more havoc with insulin levels than real sugar. I have yet to find a bar high enough in fiber and low in sweeteners to allow people to lose body fat when eaten regularly.
5. Do not replace solid food meals with shakes and never consume a shake without fiber as your first meal of the day.
I understand people are very busy in the mornings, but a real food meal first in the day is vital. The body has been starving overnight and must have real food which provides a basis of nutrients and fiber. Without fiber your blood sugar will go haywire. Furthermore do not rely on shakes for every meal. I am amazed to see people in my office eating one food meal and 5 shakes per day. I make money on a few different protein shakes as I have designed them to supplement food meals, not the other way around.
People wonder why they cannot lose body fat; their blood sugar levels are out of control! Consume at least three solid food meals per day. Mixed nuts are a great protein shake alternative as they are high in good fats, proteins and have adequate fiber content. Aim to get raw or organic nuts which will have the most nutrients available, peanuts are not a good choice in comparison to mixed nuts.
6. Rotate foods to avoid food allergies- especially protein shakes.
Food allergy testing is one of the greatest advancements in my office over the last 5 years. I am able to identify specific foods that cause allergies which can produce the following symptoms: stomach upset, excessive body fat, poor energy, trouble concentrating and many more. Most people consider a food allergy lactose intolerance or an immediate allergic reaction to peanuts. I am speaking of allergies you develop from constantly consuming the same foods. Some of my clients have eaten enough chicken to grow feathers before they came to me. Right after consumption of certain protein sources people feel sick and could not figure out why. Well here is your answer, rotate your foods or you will pay a price. Take items that you have consumed for months on end out of the diet for at least 4 weeks and you will see a huge difference. The most common culprits are eggs, milk, and peanut butter.
Experiment with different sources, I eat steak for breakfast all of the time when I rotate off eggs and nothing makes me feel better in the morning. Try something new for once, fish, seafood, buffalo, lamb. There is more to life than turkey, chicken and eggs.
You must rotate your protein shakes by switching from brand to brand every two weeks. There are elements within the manufacturing process that create allergic reactions which are similar to the symptoms listed in the paragraph above. A great alternative to protein shakes between meals is the combination of 100 % MR and Muscle Synthesis as it provides excellent building blocks for new muscle without any ingredients that can cause allergies. Furthermore Muscle Synthesis will absorb quickly and muscles will utilise an unbelievable amount of amino acids which are 100% anabolic on arrival.
Amino loading with 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis force the body to use more stored fat as fuel which is one of the primary mechanisms of the Zero Tolerance Fat Loss Program which has been extremely successful for my patients over the last several years. the large influx of amino makes the brain believe a great deal of food has come in and as a result metabolic rate is increased, but there is nothing to burn except stored body fat as the aminos have no caloric value.
7. Do Not Under Eat or Diet Endlessly.

Calories are not the only significant factor determining rates of fat loss. Starving to lose body fat is not the answer; you must fuel your human engine with quality food sources and combinations at the right time. Calories are secondary to food choices. Eat 2,000 calories of lucky charms and 2,000 calories of high quality protein, healthy fats and fibrous green vegetables. See what happens, not the same after all.
Never diet for more than 16 weeks, by that time the body is going to hold on to every bit of fat it can and chop away at muscle. You must rotate your emphasis and use phases to restore metabolism for future fat loss efforts by overfeeding to produce quality muscle which will burn more calories 24x7
Natural Champ Todd Buchanan relies heavily on the 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis to help him recover from intense workouts.
“The 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis are vital tools, I never train without them as I cannot achieve the proper intensity when I do not take them and recovery suffers.
Todd will be proud of the way he looks on the beach this summer. Will You?
8. Elevate green vegetable intake for the numerous health promoting and fat loss benefits.
Green vegetables help to keep you full and increase absorption rates of protein. A lack of green vegetable fiber to replace other fiber sources during a low carbohydrate is a problem for many people. Numerous vitamins and minerals are within green vegetables; the most popular include broccoli, asparagus, green beans etc. Notice I recommend green vegetables which does not include potatoes, tomatoes, corn or peas! Focus on the greens; the sicker you are the more you need! Aim for at least one serving of green vegetables with each food meal. Flavor vegetables with extra virgin olive oil as a large salad, but use less lettuce and more solid greens. Lastly green vegetables do not count as carbs in my book when it comes to low carb dieting calculations. They are mostly fiber and water and will not put you over carb allowances. If you must consume shakes as meal replacements add extra fiber to slow the rate of digestion.
9. Consume The "right" Fats!
Dietary fat is not the enemy; low fat diets do not work and can lead to many health problems. I have found a correlation between very low cholesterol levels and depression. Good dietary fats are a key component to good health. The best choices are extra virgin olive oil, avocados, mixed nuts, fats from organic meats, and the like. The most important supplemental fat source is omega 3 fatty acids which you have all heard of lately due to the recent research. You must get a filtrated fish oil which is toxin free. A un filtrated oil can lead to metal toxicity and other health problems you do not want to deal with. Back to Omega 3s, a key to reducing body fat is controlling the release of insulin as it is a fat storage hormone. The Alpha Omega was specifically designed to optimize your blood sugar levels following meals to give you the best chance to use food as fuel instead of being stored as fat. Obviously the food choices you make will play a large roll in this as well.
Eating grassfed beef is your best choice as a red meat source, in many situations properly raised grassfed beef will have a higher omega 3 content than some fish! Verify the cattle are raised without the use of antibiotics or hormones.
10. Do Not Abuse Alcohol
I am not sure how drinking became so popular amongst people wanting to reduce body fat. Let me break it to you, drinking is probably one of the worse things you can do, it will set you back for weeks depending how much you consume. I have dozens of patients paying the price now for drinking done years ago. As certain fat deposit sites were developed directly from alcohol side affects and take three times as long to burn off. One of those nice sugar laden tropical drinks is the obesity market’s best friend. No better way to pack on the pounds.
In addition to what has been obvious to me from a metabolic standpoint. I link drinking binges to junk food binges. A fat storing environment is cultivated when drinking, and I have found clients make bad food choices when they are drunk for lack of a better term.
Do not expect to be mentally sharper or perform well during workouts if you have consumed alcohol in recent days. No better way to zap the nervous system and lower testosterone levels.
11. Drink .6 x your body weight in pounds to determine the number of ounces you need per day.

Cold water forces the body to expend energy to heat it up to body temp. I consider water to be an essential nutrient. You must drink water with and between meals to optimize health especially during times of increases physical activity and heat. Do not wait until you are thirsty, be pro active. Even a 2 % decrease in bodily water content can trigger many health problems. This is perhaps the easiest thing people can do to improve their well being.
In addition to all of the health benefits, water will keep muscles full and prepared for action. Lastly when I say water I mean water, not diet pop or other drinks. I hate to break it to you, but diet soda is not so great. One or so a day is ok, but more than that can get in the way of your goals. Coffee is fine, but use regular milk or real cream instead of sugar and the like. Remember that coffee will dehydrate you to a degree so you must drink ample water to replace what is lost.
12. Never use breakfast as a cheat meal
I do advocate periodic cheat meals, but never for the first meal of the day. Research proves that breakfast is the most important meal of the day when it comes to setting the pace for blood sugar levels. I want my clients to satisfy cravings, but at the same time I want to minimize the damage and prevent body fat accumulation. Take Alpha Omega before and after any cheat meal and you will keep blood sugar levels under control which will minimise body fat accumulation. It is not a fat blocker as that concept is a scam, but the concept is somewhat similar.
13. Gain some muscle for a change

It seems like 75% of the people come into to my office, and 90% of women and want to lower body fat %, cannot diet effectively forever and at times the best long term solution for reviving metabolism is to put on some good old fashion muscle! Remember that a long term diet especially with low caloric intake will actually teach the body to store fat to preserve survival. If you have been dieting for an extended period of time with poor results, a sluggish metabolism may be to blame! No ladies you are not going to pack on 20 lbs of muscle overnight, that is not going to happen without the right genetics and efforts to do specifically that, however some gains in muscle, say even 5 lbs can help you burn many more calories 24x7 while improving your hormonal landscape as well. Remember more muscle also helps with long term bone health and every day function.
14. Change your diet at least every 3 months
Do you follow the same training program forever? Well if you do it is a mistake, the body adapts very quickly too many stimuli including those created through your nutrition plan. The priorities of your nutrition plan should change often and so should your macronutrient %s. This will also help to dictate the change of some food sources which is highly beneficial, this gets into some more complicated topics, but check with for more details.
The goal is to break the cycle of the body using just protein or even carbs for fuel; we want the body to be over loaded with dietary fat for a period of time so the system can efficiently use fat as fuel. When you will return to a lower dietary fat intake, yet the body will still know how to utilize the stored fat on your backside as fuel instead of your hard earned muscle.
15. Amino Load between meals
Amino Loading with 100 % MR and Muscle Synthesis provide the specific fuel the body seeks for optimal mental and physical function between meals. Why does Amino loading fool the body into burning body fat? The specific ingredients, ratios and proprietary technology found with 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis provides high impact nutrition with only a few calories signaling the body to believe massive amounts of food have been consumed. Metabolism is revamped through the roof to handle the incoming nutrients, but there is no food to digest, leaving stored body fat as the only source available to burn.
16. Lower your Stress Levels
I know easier said than done, but it is a key factor of the fat loss equation. Stress will ruin your insulin sensitivity causing the body to over secrete the fat storage hormone insulin. Furthermore high cortisol levels elevated due to stress also activate fat storage receptors, for men in the mid section and women have a harder time with the hips/buttocks area. We are well equipped to deal with short term stress such as being chased by a wild animal, but the long term stressors from over due bills, relationship issues, sick relatives etc are what really take a toll. Signs that you are overstressed include excessive body fat levels, consistent fatigue, irritability and lack of motivation. Overtraining syndrome has similar symptoms as high stress levels are one of the key factors involved with reducing your capacity to recover from training.
Those who are highly stressed should consider Fat Reduce, Alpha Omega, 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis to combat some of the negative effects created by this problem.
17. Get Your Rest
A lack of sleep makes your hormones turn in the wrong direction. Countless studies show that a few nights of poor sleep can negatively alter your insulin sensitivity. In our experience those with inadequate sleep consume more sugar for a variety of reasons. A good nights rest is a key to successful days fueling optimal physical and mental energy to accomplish the tasks at hand. Optimizing your natural anabolic hormone levels is an important part of the recovery process as it relates to weight training especially. Lack of sleep is a common cause of overtraining. While some people have trouble going to sleep many more experience difficulty staying in a deep level of sleep. Waking up feeling tired is a sign that the quality of sleep is poor. High stress levels are a common reason behind some sleep difficulties; try the Fat Reduce PM which was engineered to lower stress levels before sleep.

Food With Amino

Foods With Right Fats

By Dr. Eric Serrano MD and Scott H. Mendelson CFT, SSC, SPN

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Office work-outs! 

How to exercise at your desk to stay healthy

Office workers who want to lose weight should stand up while talking on the phone and walk over to speak to colleagues rather than emailing them, according to official advice.
The Government has drawn up workplace exercise guidelines to tackle concerns that most of us are spending too much time sitting down.

And it recommends that desk-bound staff carry out 'office work-outs' to increase activity, fight obesity and improve health.
This could include taking the stairs rather than waiting for the lift and cycling or walking to work.
Staff are also advised to stand up every 30 to 40 minutes when talking on the phone to break up the amount of time they spend sitting down.
The guidelines have been issued by  the Department of Health in response to concerns about rising levels of obesity.
Only a third of adults take the recommended amount of exercise, which amounts to at least 30 minutes for five days a week.
And around six in ten are either overweight or obese – predicted to rise to nine in ten by 2050.
The guidelines state that adults should aim to do some form of exercise every day such as running, cycling, walking or even mowing the lawn. 
Over the course of the week, they should try to fit in a minimum of two and a half hours, including at least two 'muscle strengthening' activities such as heavy gardening, weight lifting or press-ups.
Pugh on office workouts

The guidelines also urge workers to try to break up the amount of time they spend sitting at a desk or in front of a computer.
Professor Fiona Bull, from the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University, who helped draw up  the guidelines, said there was growing evidence that long periods spent sitting down could lead to health problems. 
She added: 'Every 30 to 40 minutes, stand up while taking that phone call.
'Don't send the email, walk over and speak to your colleague.'
Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical officer, also urged people to take the stairs rather than the lift and to walk to work or the shops.
Recent studies have shown that desk-bound workers who spend long periods of time sitting down are more likely to die of heart problems, even if they exercise regularly. 
And last month, Canadian scientists found that women who spent more than six hours a day at a desk were 40 per cent more likely to die of heart disease or cancer.
The Government guidelines also state that children over five should exercise for at least one hour a day, with three sessions of 'vigorous' activity, such as running, per week.
The over-65s are also told to do at least two and a half hours of exercise a week to maintain strength and balance.

The office work-out fitness tips

The Office Workout

The Office Workout
Too many work long hours inside an office and do not exercise before or after work. All it takes is a few short years of inactivity and you can add as much as 50 lbs to your frame. This is a nationwide issue that affects our health as senior citizens, young adults and even our children. 

The answer is easier said than done, but easily understood. If you eat more calories than you exercise off in a day, you will gain weight. The opposite holds true as well - if you can burn off more than you consume, you will lose weight. You see, losing weight is not rocket science. You can do it if you stick to a program of moderation in food consumption and daily exercise.
Here are five easy stretches and exercises to get the blood flowing. Slightly increasing your level of activity will aid in increasing your energy level. More energy can lead to greater productivity at your job or school work. All it takes is a few minutes a couple times a day to relieve job-related stress, increase your energy level, and ultimately, make you healthier. 

Before stretching - walk around the office for about 3-5 minutes. Get some water, go to the bathroom... 

Five Key Stretches
(do stretches for 15-30 seconds) 

1) Neck Stretches - Slowly tilt your head toward your shoulder and hold for ten seconds each side. Keep this one slow and easy, the neck is very easy to injure. 

2) Arm Shoulders - Pull your arm across your chest, hook your other arm around it to pull the tension out of your upperback and rear shoulders. 

3) Back / Legs - Lean forward at the waist either from the standing position or sitting and bring your chest toward your thighs. Slowly try to straighten your legs - stretching your hamstrings. 

4) Thigh Stretch - Sit on left edge of your chair or stand. Grab your left ankle and pull it upward toward your buttocks. Switch sides. 

5) Calves Stretch - Stand and lean into your desk with your heels on the floor. Bend your knees slightly to stretch your achilles tendons. 

Five Key Exercises

1) Legs - Squats - Stand in front of your chair and repeat sitting down and standing up 10 times three times a day. 

2) Shoulder Shrugs - Just pull your shoulders as high as you can and roll them forward ten times and backward ten times throughout the day. 

3) Dumbbell Curls - While on the phone, you can grab a dumbbell and do bicep curls for 20 repetitions three times a day. Straighten your arms by your side and bring your hand (dumbbell) to your shoulder. Keep your palms up. Do one at a time if on the phone. 

4) Bench Dips - Using your chair or sturdy table, place your hands on the edge of the object and bend your arms to slowly lower yourself about six inches lower than the seat. Raise yourself by straightening your arms. Repeat this three times a day for 10 repetitions. 

5) Assisted Push-up - In the office, lean up against your desk and push yourself away from the desk while in a leaning position. Repeat this three times a day for 10 repetitions. 

Sometimes the office life can wear you down physically. Revive yourself occasionally with a few stretches and basic exercises. 

Easy Office Workouts

Thursday 25 September 2014

How to Cheat on Your Diet and  

Still Lose Weight

How To Cheat On Your Diet And Still Lose Weight!
Diet 'cheat days' can actually boost your chances of weight loss success!                     
Many of us think that starting weight loss diet means forsaking the fattening foods we love. No sweets, no cream sauces, no chips, no wine, no fun!  But this kind of weight loss plan can actually lead to more cravings, fixating on forbidden foods -- and goals abandoned long before their time. The truth, experts say, is that you can have your weight loss and eat cake, too -- as long as you "cheat" on your diet the sensible way.
Taking away a person's favorite foods can be the death knell to a diet, says David NW. Grotto, RD, LD, author of 101 Foods That Can Save Your Life. "I think splurging on a diet is mandatory, not an option," he says.
Grotto calls it "structured cheating." There's a difference between enjoying your favorite foods occasionally and eating everything you adore, he says. The key to maintaining control, he says, is deciding what you want and how much you'll have, and then to "eat it with full consciousness ... lick your lips, and then move on with your life."

Carolyn O'Neil, RD, agrees. "I think sensible splurging is really the key to being able to achieve a healthy lifestyle," says O'Neil, co-author of The Dish on Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous!
Anyone can follow a restrictive diet for a short time, says O'Neil. But sooner or later, most people will break down and overindulge on the foods they've been denying themselves. "So why not come up with a sensible diet, so your chances of success are much greater in the long run?" she asks. 

When you know what you're getting into, you have more control, O'Neil says. So if you love cheesecake, memorize the calorie count of your favorite type, and then you can manage your diet splurge with portion control. O'Neil sums up her diet philosophy this way: "The more you know, the more you can eat!"

12 Healthy Ways to Cheat on Your Diet

Beyond sensible splurging, WebMD asked nutrition experts for more tips to how you can cheat on your diet and still lose weight. Here's what they said:
1.    Accept your "splurge foods." Your desire for them isn't going anywhere. And as we all know, when you tell people they can't do something -- like enjoy a slice of pie -- they're going to want to do it even more, cautions Grotto.
2.    Eat more filling foods. Load up your diet with foods that go the distance -- those with lean protein and fibre. "Add eggs, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, broth-based soups, salads, lean meats, seafood, and low fat dairy because these foods fill you up and help tame your appetite" says American Dietetic Association spokesperson Marisa Moore, RD.  For further cravings control, plan for healthy snacks so that you don't go for long periods without eating. 

How To Curb Your Appetite Naturally 

Foods That Help You Feel Full And Lose Weight

Sunday 21 September 2014

10 Protein-Packed Plants

Post image for 10 Protein-Packed Plants
The continuing debate over how much protein the average person needs* has done little to change our hunger for it. And who can blame us? Protein is one of the basic building blocks of life.
When most people think about protein, images of cheese, eggs and a leg of lamb pop into their head. Did you know though that every – yes, every – whole food contains protein? From your morning banana to your evening salad, finding plants packed with protein is easy to do. And not only is it easy to do, it’s easy for your body to use.
Plant-based foods are practically free from cholesterol, tend to be high in fiber, and are often alkalizing to the body. All animal products, on the other hand, are devoid of fiber, and are acidifying to the body, which causes calcium to be leached from your bones, as well as decreasing oxygen levels in the blood, and negatively impacting the digestive/lymphatic system.
You may have heard the ongoing debate about “complete” or “incomplete” protein and “food combining”, but be wary; these topics are steeped in misinformation and myth. Here’s what I’ve discovered thus far:
The term “complete protein” refers to foods that have all nine essential amino acids present in the correct proportion for our bodies to build protein with. The term “incomplete protein” refers to foods which have all the essential amino acids, but are simply low in one or more of them. This is called the “limiting amino acid”. While it’s true that most whole plant foods have one or more limiting amino acids and are thus “incomplete”, this shouldn’t send you running for a steak. Our bodies are brilliant, and every food that goes into your system must be broken apart and its nutrients absorbed. During the digestion process, amino acid chains from all sources are broken down and made ready for our bodies to use. If you’re eating a good mix of fruits, veggies, grains and legumes, then your body simply collects what it needs from the “amino soup” that your digestion system has absorbed. There are a growing number of vegan bodybuilders, ultra marathon runners and award-winning athletes out there to prove that meeting your protein needs on a plant-based diet is simple and successful.
Since every whole food has protein in it, you have literally millions of great options to choose from when it comes to creating a balanced diet with the right percentage of protein for your body*. I’ve selected ten nutritious plants to get you started, for both their protein content and other health benefits. You may be surprised at some of the veggies, nuts and grains that made it onto my list.
*More is not necessarily better when it comes to protein. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for the average, sedentary adult is only 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. Some healthcare professionals argue that this level is too high. No matter whose recommendation you choose to follow, the fact is that each person’s protein needs are different, but all can be met with a plant-based diet.

Health Benefits of High-Protein Plant Foods:

Pumpkin Seeds
Mung Bean Sprouts

If you’re like me, pumpkin is one of your favorite fall foods. The last time you steamed up some squash or pumpkin, did you have the seeds though? One ounce of pumpkin seeds contains 9.35 grams of protein! That’s over two grams more than the same quantity of ground beef. Their high protein content and level of nutrients makes them a wonderful addition to any salad or snack.

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds:

  • Tryptophan: Helps fight depression (converted into serotonin and niacin).
  • Glutamate (needed to create GABA): Anti-stress neorochemical, helps relieve anxiety and other related conditions.
  • Zinc: Boosts immune function and fights osteoporosis.
  • Phytosterols: Reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) and up HDL (the good kind); may also be effective in the prevention of cancer.
Pumpkin seeds are also full of manganese, phosphorous, copper, vitamin K, vitamin E, B vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), folates, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium and more!
If pumpkin seeds aren’t your thing, don’t worry – there are plenty of seed-based protein powerhouses out there.

Grilled asparagus with a balsamic vinegar drizzle is enough to make my mouth water. Eight spears of this delectable veggie has 3.08 grams of protein, which is pretty potent for such a slender fellow.

Health Benefits of Asparagus:

  • Vitamin K: Asparagus is the number one plant-based source for Vitamin K, which is indicated in preventing osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
  • Vitamin A and Folate: Anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, heart healthy, and indicated in the prevention of birth defects.
  • Diuretic: Reduce water retention.
  • Aphrodisiac: Oh là là!
Asparagus is also a good source of potassium, glutathione, vitamin C, antioxidants (glumatic acid, glycine and cysteine) and more.

For years, I wasn’t a big fan of cauliflower. I mean, how healthy can an off-white vegetable be? But once I started learning about the health benefits of cauliflower and all its cruciferous plant family members, I started to give this veggie its due respect. One cup cooked = 2.28 grams of protein and a truckload of nutrients to reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer!

Health Benefits of Cauliflower:

  • Carotenoids (beta-carotene and Phytonutrients): Including kaempferol, ferulic acid, cinnamic acid and caffeic acid. These nutrients help protect your body against free radical damage.
  • Sulforaphane: Strong indications as a cancer fighting agent.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Reduce inflammation.
Cauliflower is also a good source of vitamin C, manganese, glucosinolates (glucoraphin), vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine) and B9 (folic acid), phosphorus and potassium, indole-3-carbinol (strong cancer fighting indications) and more.

If you grew up in America you’ve probably had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or two, but I doubt you knew how healthy this favorite snack really is. One ounce (approximately 28 peanuts dry roasted without salt) = 6.71 grams of protein.

Health Benefits of Peanuts:

  • Co-Enzyme Q10: Protects the heart during times of low oxygen.
  • Resveratrol: Bioflavonoid believed to improve blood flow in the brain and lower your LDL cholesterol.
  • Niacin: Assists in recovery of cell damage, and protects against Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive problems.
Peanuts are also a good source of calcium, iron, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, folates, copper, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin E, antioxidants (polyphenols p-coumaric acid) and more.
Oats have gotten a bad rap over the years as a breakfast moosh fit for little orphan Oliver or old school prison inmates, but truly they are a food fit for kings. One cooked cup has a whopping 6.08 grams of protein along with being a great source of fiber and helpful for stabilizing your blood sugar levels. I enjoy mine in the morning with a bit of banana and cinnamon mixed in – yummm.

Health Benefits of Oatmeal:

  • Selenium (antioxidant combined with vitamin E): Boosts immunity and mood, as well as having indications as a cancer-fighting agent.
  • Weight loss: Keeps blood sugar levels even. The high level of fiber keeps you full longer.
  • Magnesium: Helps with energy production, maintaining strong bones and possible relief of PMS.
  • Phosphorus: Assists with bone health, boosts energy and is important for healthy digestion.
Oatmeal is also a good source of tryptophan, Iron, calcium, B vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin and niacin; vitamin E, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium and more.

You may have seen this little bean hiding in your stir-fry (sprouted) or perhaps in a fresh wrap, but it hasn’t gotten much cred over the years. Most beans are a great source of protein and water soluble fibre, and while mung beans aren’t at the top of the bean protein list they make a good showing. With one cup containing 3.16 grams, it is low in calories, but high in content.

Health Benefits of Mung Bean Sprouts:

  • Lecithin: Lowers blood cholesterol levels, reduces liver fat.
  • Zinc: Along with the protein and other vitamins in mung beans, Zinc can help strengthen your nails.
  • Phytoestrogens: Contain many anti-aging components for the skin. These phytoestrogens act on estrogen-receptors found in the skin, stimulating the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, which are all essential components of the skin’s structure.
Mung bean sprouts are also a good source of vitamin A, many B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc and more!

This is a wonderful snack to have around at all times, both for its protein content and nutrient density. Almonds are at the top of the nut chain when it comes to nutrient density, which means they will keep you full longer. With one ounce (approximately 24 nuts) containing 6.03 grams of protein they are a wonderful addition to any snack or meal.

Health Benefits of Almonds:

  • Phenylalanine: Aids in the development of cognitive function.
  • Nutrient Rich: Keeps you full longer which can aid in weight loss.
  • Vitamin E/Magnesium: Important for heart and muscle health.
Almonds are also a good source of calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, niacin, managese, riboflavin, folic acid and more.

We all know spinach is a special green. From Popeye to the posh salads you’ll find in fine dining restaurants, spinach has gotten some good press and with due reason. One cup cooked = 5.35 grams of protein. It is also filled with flavonoids (a phytonutrient with anti-cancer properties). Spinach is good for your skin, your eyes, your brain and your bones!

Health Benefits of Spinach:

Neoxanthin and violaxanthin: Anti-inflammatory epoxyxanthophylls.
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin: Protect the eyes against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
  • Vitamin K: Ensures a healthy nervous system and brain function, healthy bones (1000% of the RDA of vitamin K in each full cup of spinach!)
  • Vitamin A: Strengthens immunity and promotes healthy skin.
Spinach is also a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidants, flavonoids, beta-carotene, manganese, zinc and selenium and more.

Broccoli has many of the same amazing compounds as cauliflower, which is logical due to the fact that they are both in the cruciferous plant family. As a child I remember enjoying broccoli simply for the fact that the pieces looked like tiny trees. Now, as an adult, I enjoy their impressive nutritional profile AND the fact that they look like tiny trees. One cup of chopped broccoli = 5.7 grams of protein and a heap of child-like enjoyment.

Health Benefits of Broccoli:

  • Glucoraphanin (which the body processes into sulforaphane): Helps the skin to detoxify and repair itself, along with ridding the body of H. pylori which increases the risk of gastric cancer.
  • Beta-carotene, zinc and selenium: All work to strengthen the immune system.
  • Indole-3-carbinol: A powerful antioxidant and anti-carcinogen, which may hinder the growth of breast, cervical and prostate cancer along with boosting liver function.
Broccoli is also a good source of folic acid, vitamin C, calcium (more calcium in fact then most dairy products), lutein and zeaxanthin, B6, folates and more.

All of the plants on my list that have preceded this one fall short in comparison to quinoa’s potential.* On its own it is a perfect protein and the king of all grains. It has the highest percentage of protein content at 16 percent per volume! This means that a measly ¼ cup (dry) quinoa has 6 grams** of protein. If you paired this grain with a couple of spears of asparagus and a beautiful cauliflower, broccoli and sprouted mung bean stir–fry, you would have an easy meal with 30 grams of protein or more!

Health Benefits of Quinoa:

  • Magnesium: Relaxes muscles and blood vessels, which can help regulate blood pressure.
  • Manganese and copper: Both work as antioxidants to protect the body from free radicals.
  • Lignans: A phytonutrient found to reduce the risk of heart disease as well as certain types of cancer.
Quinoa is also a good source of iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, vitamin E, selenium, manganese, tryptophan copper, phosphorus and more.
*There is American grown quinoa for anyone concerned about the politics of Bolivian grown quinoa.
**This protein content information was obtained from a Quinoa distribution company.

Whole Grain

White Bread v Brown Bread!

Whole Grain Protein Power!

A lot of vegetarians get asked that big old question: Where do you get your protein? While I’m not a vegetarian, I try to limit my meat consumption while still eating a balanced, high protein diet to keep me feeling satiated and full of energy all day. How is that possible, you ask?  
Nuts, beans, and dairy are just a few non-meat ways to get protein, but did you know that whole grains are also protein-packed? We always talk about whole grains being full of fiber, but this week I was inspired to call attention to the other benefits of eating whole grains, thanks to the Meatless (and Mediterranean) Mondays recipes of our parent Organization, Oldways. 
While many of us (this self proclaimed Queen of Quinoa, included!) have heard that one of the things that makes quinoa the superfood extraordinaire is that it’s high in protein, it certainly isn’t the only protein-filled grain. Virtually all foods contain a mix of three macronutrients: fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Though we think of grains as carbohydrates in fact they also contain small amounts of healthy fat, along with a dose of protein. Take a look at the grains below, and their protein content per serving. (45 grams of uncooked grain is a standard FDA serving size; although grains vary, that's the equivalent of a little less than a cup cooked, for most grains.)
Name of Grain (Based on 45g uncooked)Amount of Protein (in grams)
Barley, hulled5.62
Brown rice3.38
Kamut® Khorasan Wheat6.54
Oats, rolled5.92
Wheat, bulgur5.53
Wild rice6.63
Name of FoodAmount of Protein (in grams)
Whole wheat pasta, 2oz. dry8.34
Whole wheat bread, 2 slices7.97
Whole wheat pita, 6.5" round6.27
On average, people need about 50 grams of protein a day, so at about 6 grams of protein, most whole grain choices provide about 12% of your daily needs. But what does that mean? Six grams of protein is the same amount found in these protein-full foods: one hard-boiled egg, an ounce of almonds, or two thirds of a cup of lentil soup. Wow! 
One thing to know about the protein in grains: with the exception of quinoa and amaranth, grain proteins are not “complete proteins.” This means they’re missing or low in one or more essential amino acids. But eating a variety of plant-based foods takes care of that; when you enjoy both beans and grains throughout the week, for example, their complementary proteins combine to give you just what your body needs. 
Next time you bake a loaf of 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread, or make Whole Grain Linguine with Ripe Heirloom Tomatoes and Pistachios, or Whole Grain Rotini with Braised Fennel, Carrots and Spring Onions  our Recipe Section) think of that extra protein punch you’re getting!  
As we can see, whole grains are a great source of protein whether you’re a vegetarian, looking for a new Meatless Monday dish or are simply looking for a way to incorporate more protein into your existing diet. So yes, you can get your protein and fiber all in one dish! (Mallory)